The Shulhan Arukh, the Code of Jewish Law,
specifies that while the Hanukkah lights are burning, no one is to engage in
work, especially women. Why women? There are two famous stories of Hanukkah that
have brought special merit to the valorous role of women in the holiday.Judith
Judith and Holofernes
Two stories related to Hanukkah focus on the
heroic efforts of women.

Apocrypha is a collection of books from the biblical period which were not
chosen to be part of the Jewish Bible (but were accepted in the Catholic
collection). In addition to the First and Second Books of Maccabees, the
Apocrypha contains the Book of Judith, a book preserved in the Greek but not in
the Hebrew Bible. It tells the story of a beautiful Jewish woman by the name of
Judith, who single-handedly saved the Jewish town of Bethulia….
The story goes like
this. An evil general, Holofernes, lays siege to the town. All seems lost until
Judith tells the elders of the town that she has a plan to defeat the enemy.
They dismiss her offer as foolish and prepare to surrender to Holofernes. Judith
tries once more to convince the elders that she can save them, and this time
they reluctantly agree to allow her to leave the camp for one day.
Judith prepares herself
for her bold scheme. She dresses provocatively and prepares a sack containing
food and wine. She approaches the enemy camp and is immediately captured and
brought to Holofernes. He is very impressed with her beauty and her prediction
that he will capture Bethulia. She suggests they go to his tent alone and
Once in
Holofernes' tent, Judith feeds him the salty cheese she has brought with her.
Holofernes becomes quite thirsty and drinks large quantities of wine until he
falls asleep, drunk. Judith takes Holofernes' sword and cuts off his head. She
covers the body with a blanket, puts the head in a sack, and returns through the
sleeping camp to Bethulia.
The elders cannot believe that Judith has returned
safely. She reveals the severed head of Holofernes and the elders place it on
the walls of the city. Meanwhile, the enemy soldiers awake and discover the
decapitated body of their leader. In the distance, they see Holofernes' head
hanging from the walls of Bethulia. They decide that if a Jewish woman could be
so ruthless, they do not want to fight Jewish men in battle, and so the army
retreats and the city of Bethulia is saved.
A midrash (in Hebrew) dealing with a variation of the
Judith story was read on the Shabbat or Shabbatot of Hanukkah during the Middle
Ages. Dated sometime after the 10th century CE, the midrash is remarkably
similar to the narrative of the Greek version.
Artist and critic Beth Haber notes that the story of
Judith has inspired a long list of artistic representations, ranging from the
rather violent depictions of the beheading of Holofernes by Andrea Mantegna to
the stone sculptures of Judith on the north portal wall of the Chartres
Cathedral. Michelangelo himself painted figures of Judith and her maid on the
Sistine Chapel ceiling. Elisabetta Sirani and Fede Galizia used Judith as
subject, while Caravaggio's famous painting is far more sympathetic to
Holofernes than to Judith. A series of six paintings by Artemisia Gentileschi
runs the gamut from the violence of the act itself to the resolve and
determination in its aftermath. In addition, the Judith story also inspired a
number of religious epics in many European countries, as well as musical
oratorios by famous and not-so-famous composers.
Hannah and Her Sons
Another story of heroism involving a woman is
associated with Hanukkah. The story of Hannah and her seven sons is recorded in
the Second Book of Maccabees 7:1-41. [Hannah is a name from Rabbinic midrash;
the Second Book of Maccabees refers to her as "the mother."] Unlike the militant
story of Judith, Hannah's story is a tale of martyrdom.